Question Detail You will use which feature in excel, if you want to work with one record at a time ? Auto CompleteAuto FilterSub TotalsData Form Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Which among following is not associated with spelling dialogue box ? EditIgnoreIgnore AllChange Answer: Option A 2. We can cancel marquee by pressing ? Ctrl + EscAlt + EscShift + EscEsc Answer: Option D 3. Shortcut to delete the selected column ? Ctrl + -Alt + -Shift + -Insert + - Answer: Option A 4. How we can view a cell comment ? position the mouse pointer over the cellclick the comment command on the view menuclick the edit comment commands on the Insert menuclick the Display comment command on the window menu Answer: Option A 5. Choose from the following, which is not the correct method of editing the cell content ? Press the Alt key Press the F2 keyDouble click the cell Click the formula bar Answer: Option A Read more from - MS Excel Questions Answers