Question Detail You are advised to not to break in your friend house again. break intobreak throughbreak openNo correction Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. At last he realised what was truth. what the truth wasthe truth waswhat was the truthNo correction Answer: Option A 2. Since we are living in Chandigarh, we are unwilling to move to Delhi. since we have been livingbeing that we are livingsince we are livingno error Answer: Option A 3. If your sister yet at the sports complex. sister till atsister continue atsister still atno correction Answer: Option B 4. Sumit would have been lookedsmart in traditional clothes. was lookedwould be lookedhad lookingwould have lookedno error Answer: Option DExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam) 5. Tens of people were killed by this mishappening. fromofin No correction Answer: Option C Read more from - Sentence Correction