Question Detail 'Wings of fire' have been written by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. are being writtenhas been writtenare writtenNo error Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. They have not spoken to each other since they quarrelled. becauseforever sinceNo improvement Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in CDS Exam) 2. The man to "who I sold" my house was a cheat. who was sold toto whom I soldto whom I sellto who I sell Answer: Option B 3. The easiest of the thing to do is to ask the address from the postman. of the things to doamong the things to doof the thing to be doneof all the things doneNo correction required Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in BSRB Exam, Patna) 4. My handwriting is as good or better than yours. as good and betteras good asas good as orno error Answer: Option C 5. On the day of the match, we were hoping about rainy weather. foratofNo improvement Answer: Option C Read more from - Sentence Correction