Question Detail Why we think that people belonging to few castes are superior to others. many castessome casteshigh castesNo correction Answer: Option B Ad Similar Questions : 1. I love my sister so well that I wish she should overlive me. may overlive meought to overlive memight overlive metry to overlive meno error Answer: Option E 2. When it was morning they decided to put at an inn. put out input off atput atput up at Answer: Option D 3. They have stopped from constructing new buildings. to constructat constructingconstructingNo improvement Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in Asstt. Grade) 4. He always get punishment for playing swords with his classmates. clashing swordsdrawing swordscrossing swordsNo correction Answer: Option C 5. The need of the hour was some fast action on the part of the leaders. neededneedingneedsNo correction required Answer: Option DExplanation:(Asked in Income Tax Exam) Read more from - Sentence Correction