Question Detail Which technique is used by operating systems to execute several programs concurrently by switching back and forth PartitioningMultitaskingWindowingPaging Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. What is the name given to the values that are automatically provided by software to reduce keystrokes and improve a computer user's productivity? Defined valuesFixed valuesDefault valuesNone of the above Answer: Option C 2. Which operating system reacts in the actual time Batch systemQuick response systemReal time systemTime sharing system Answer: Option C 3. Which among following scheduling algorithms give minimum average waiting time FCFSSJFRound robinOn priority Answer: Option B 4. Banker's algorithm deals with deadlock preventiondeadlock avoidancedeadlock recoverymutual exclusion Answer: Option B 5. Shortest Job First executes first the job with the least processor needsthat first entered the queuethat has been in the queue for the longestthat last entered the queue Answer: Option A Read more from - Operating System Questions Answers - Chapter 1