Question Detail Which scheduling policy is best suited for time-sharing operating systems Shortest job firstRound robinFirst come first serveElevator Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. For multiprogramming operating system special support from processor is essentialspecial support from processor is not essentialcache memory is essentialnone of above Answer: Option B 2. Banker's algorithm deals with deadlock preventiondeadlock avoidancedeadlock recoverymutual exclusion Answer: Option B 3. A series of statements explaining how the data is to be processed is called instructioncompilerprograminterpretor Answer: Option C 4. Which operating system use write through catches UNIXXENIXULTRIXDOS Answer: Option D 5. Shortest Job First executes first the job with the least processor needsthat first entered the queuethat has been in the queue for the longestthat last entered the queue Answer: Option A Read more from - Operating System Questions Answers - Chapter 1