Question Detail Which of the following tool bars provide different options in various master views ? Standard toolbarFormatting toolbarCommon tasks toolbarDrawing toolbar Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. How we can replace a font on all slides with another font in Powerpoint ? Tools -> FontsEdit -> FontsFormat -> Replace FontsTools -> Replace Fonts Answer: Option C 2. Which PowerPoint feature allows the user to create a simple presentation quickly ? AutoContent WizardTransition WizardChart WizardAnimations Answer: Option A 3. Which option can be used to set custom timings for slides in a presentation ? Slider TimingsRehearsalSlider TimerSlide Show Setup Answer: Option B 4. Shortcut to insert new slide in the current Presentation is ? CTRL+OCTRL+MCTRL+FCTRL+N Answer: Option B 5. To create another copy of a slide, what is the best way…? Click the slide then press Ctrl+A and paste in new slideRedo everything on a new slide that you had done on previous slideFrom Insert Menu choose Duplicate Slide None of above Answer: Option C Read more from - MS Powerpoint Questions Answers