Question Detail Which of the following is not viewed as a national debt ? National Saving CertificateProvident FundLife Insurance PoliciesLong-term Government Bonds Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. The head quarters of world trade organisation is in MontrealGenevaNew jerseySeatle Answer: Option B 2. The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in hand and total assets. This is called ? Statutory Liquid RatioCash Reserve RatioLiquid RatioStatutory Ratio Answer: Option A 3. Who was the father of Operation Flood ? Dr. Norman BorlaugDr. M.S. SwaminathanDr. Verghese KurienDr. William Gande Answer: Option CExplanation:The "Operation flood" was the largest integrated dairy development programme of the world. It was started by National dairy development board in 1970. 4. Which state has the highest Per Capita Income in India ? DelhiPunjabBiharWest Bengal Answer: Option B 5. International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established on : 25 September, 194427 December, 194425 September, 194527 December, 1945 Answer: Option D Read more from - Indian Economy Questions Answers