Question Detail Which of the following is an electromagnetic wave ? Cathode raysSound waveUltrasonic waveInfra red rays Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. If no external force acts on a system of bodies, the total linear momentum of the system of bodies remains constant. Which law states this ? Newton first lawNewton second lawNewton third lawPrinciple of conservation of linear momentum Answer: Option D 2. Alexander Graham Bell invented TelephoneTelescopeTelevisionTank Answer: Option AExplanation:Alexander Graham Bell of USA invented Telephone in 1876, Telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey of Netherlands in 1608, Television was invented by John Logie Bared of Scotland in 1926, Tank was invented by Sir Ernest Swington of England in 1914. 3. Atmospheric pressure is measured by TonometerPyrometerBarometerThermometer Answer: Option C 4. Which instrument is used to measure depth of ocean ? GalvanometerFluxmeterEndoscopeFathometer Answer: Option DExplanation:Galvanometer - measures electric current, Fluxmeter - measures magnetic flux, Endoscope - used to examine internal parts of the body. 5. What is unit of Viscosity ? coulombnewton second per square meterwatt per meter per degree celciusjoule per kilogram per Kelvin Answer: Option BExplanation:coulomb is unit of Electric Charge, watt per meter per degree celcius is unit of Thermal Conductivity, joule per kilogram per Kelvin is unit of Specific Heat capacity. Read more from - Physics Questions Answers