Question Detail Which of the following is an electromagnetic wave ? Cathode raysSound waveUltrasonic waveInfra red rays Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. What is the range of mercury thermometer ? 0 degree Celsius to 350 degree Celsius-10 degree Celsius to 350 degree Celsius-20 degree Celsius to 350 degree Celsius-30 degree Celsius to 350 degree Celsius Answer: Option D 2. Atom is the smallest part of matter which takes part in chemical reactions. TrueFalse Answer: Option A 3. Radiocarbon is produced in the atmosphere as a result of collision between fast neutrons and nitrogen nuclei present in the atmosphereaction of ultraviolet light from the sun on atmospheric oxygenaction of solar radiations particularly cosmic rays on carbon dioxide present in the atmospherelightning discharge in atmosphere Answer: Option A 4. Lognitudinal waves and Transverse waves are types of ? Mechanical wavesNon-Mechanical wavesBoth of aboveNone of Above Answer: Option A 5. The rotational effect of a force on a body about an axis of rotation is described in terms of Centre of gravityCentripetal forceCentrifugal forceMoment of force Answer: Option D Read more from - Physics Questions Answers