Question Detail Which of the following is a physical basis of life ? ProtoplasmNucleusMitochondriaRibosome Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. White blood corpuscles are used by our body ? to carry oxygento dissolve protiensto combat infectionto help liver work Answer: Option C 2. Leukemia is a disease of the ? lungsbloodliverbrain Answer: Option B 3. Which one of the following air pollution can affect blood stream leading to death ? CadmiumAsbestos dustCarbon monodioxideLead Answer: Option C 4. DNA is Deoxyribo Nucleic AcidDouble Nucleic AcidDeoxy Nucleic AcidDeoxyribo Nucleic Alum Answer: Option A 5. Monotremes are unique mammals because they lay eggssecret milk in a pouchgive birth to live youngposses hair Answer: Option A Read more from - Biology Questions Answers