Question Detail Which of the following gases readily combines with the haemoglobin of the blood? Carbon monoxideMetheneOxygenNitrogen dioxide Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. Study of pulse and arterial pressure is called SphygmologyRhinologySonographySaurology Answer: Option AExplanation:Rhinology - is study of nose and olfactory organs. Sonography - is study of ultrasound imaging. Saurology - is study of lizards. 2. The disease caused by deficiency of protein in children is called PellagraMarasmusBeri-BeriRickets Answer: Option B 3. What is scientific name of man ? Rana tigrinaCanis familarisFelis domesticaHomo sapiens Answer: Option DExplanation:Rana tigrina is scientific name of Frog. Canis familaris is scientific name of Dog. Felis domestica is scientific name of Cat. 4. Which blood group is known as Universal donor ? A+A-ABO Answer: Option D 5. Which among the following blood protein regulates the amount of water in plasma ? FibrinGlobulinFibulinAlbumin Answer: Option D Read more from - Biology Questions Answers