Question Detail Which of the following gases is the most toxic? Carbon dioxideSulphur dioxideCarbon monoxideAcetic acid Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Due to rusting the weight of iron DecreasesIncreasesRemains the sameUncertain Answer: Option B 2. Brass is an alloy of ? Copper and TinCopper and ZincCopper and AluminiumIron and Copper Answer: Option B 3. Which is also called Stranger Gas ? XenonNeonArgonNitrous oxide Answer: Option A 4. The most malleable metal is platinumsilvergoldiron Answer: Option C 5. Conduction band electrons have more mobility than holes because they are experience collision more frequentlyexperience collision less frequentlyhave negative chargeneed less energy to move them Answer: Option B Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers