Question Detail Which of the following elements behave chemically both as a metal and a non metal? BoronCarbonArgonMercury Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. Elements that show the properties of both metals and non metals are called ? metalloidsallotropesalloyscolloids Answer: Option A 2. What is a mixture of potassium nitrate powdered charcoal and sulphur called? paintaluminiumbrassgun powder Answer: Option DExplanation:gun powder is the mixture of potassium nitrate powdered charcoal and sulphur. 3. Which of the following gas is used in cigarette lighters ? ButanePropaneMethaneEthane Answer: Option A 4. Which of the following elements behave chemically both as a metal and a non metal? BoronCarbonArgonMercury Answer: Option A 5. Natural rubber is a polymer derived from ? ethylenepropyleneisoprenebutadiene Answer: Option C Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers