Question Detail Which of the following cannot be passed to a function ? ArrayReference variableObjectFile Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. The members of a class are ? b) by default are private c) are made private by declaring as private d) none of the above] have no visibility by defaultpublic by defaultprivate by defaultprotected by default Answer: Option C 2. int *ptr[5]; a pointer of 5 int elementsan array of 5 int pointersan array of 5 elements returning an int valuenone of above Answer: Option B 3. A variable is defined within a block in a body of a function. Which of the following are true ? It is visible from the point of definition to the end of the program.It is visible throughout the function.It is visible from the point of definition to the end of the block.It is visible throughout the block. Answer: Option B 4. C++ is a ? Procedural programming languageStructural programming languageLow level languageObject oriented programming language Answer: Option D 5. What is class in c++ ? When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type.When you define a class, you make get more funtionality.When you define a class, you define the logic. When you define a class, you make debugging. Answer: Option A Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Set 2