Question Detail Which of the following can you use to add times to the slides in a presentation ? Rehearse timing buttonSlice Show menuSlide transition buttonAll of above Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. You can start power point application with Goint to Start -> Programs -> All Programs -> Microsoft PowerPointGoing to Start -> Run -> type "powerpnt" and press entertype ppoint.exe in run and press enterAll of above Answer: Option B 2. To create another copy of a slide, what is the best way…? Click the slide then press Ctrl+A and paste in new slideRedo everything on a new slide that you had done on previous slideFrom Insert Menu choose Duplicate Slide None of above Answer: Option C 3. The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from ____ menu. insertfileviewtools Answer: Option D 4. In a slide, what are the steps to insert a hyperlink ? Press Ctrl + K Choose Insert >> HyperlinkHyperlinks can’t be inserted in slidesboth a & b Answer: Option D 5. In a slide layout, which of the following section does not exist ? Animation SectionLists SectionTitles SectionChart Section Answer: Option A Read more from - MS Powerpoint Questions Answers