Question Detail Which memory is assembled between main memory and CPU ? Primary MemorySecondary MemoryRegistersCache Memory Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. In which condition one process holds the allocated resources and other waits for it ? Non preemptionMutual exclusionHold and waitAll of above Answer: Option C 2. Where the result of an arithmetic and logical operation are stored ? In AccumulatorIn Cache MemoryIn ROMIn Instruction Registry Answer: Option A 3. Which operation with floating point numbers are more complicated then arithmetic operation with fixed point number ? Logical operationArithmetic operationBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B 4. In which of the following status flags required for data transfer are present ? Interface CircuitParallel LineDevice CircuitNone of Above Answer: Option A 5. Intercrosses arbitration system for multiprocessor shares a __ ? Control BusDomain BusPrimary BusCommon Bus Answer: Option D Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers