Question Detail Which gas is filled in refrigerators ? ChlorofluorocarbonAcetyleneMethaneButane Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. What is extracted from Bauxite ? MicaAluminiumCopperTin Answer: Option B 2. The major component used in preparation of different types of glasses is : Sodium borateSodium silicateSilicaCalcium silicate Answer: Option C 3. The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is ? NaAgHgFe Answer: Option D 4. The cyclotron is used to accelerating particlesseparating elementspurifying metalsmaking alloys Answer: Option A 5. Which of the following is produced during the formation of photochemical smog ? Nitrogen OxidesHydrocarbonsMethaneOzone Answer: Option D Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers