Question Detail Which five year plan is also known as "Gadgil Yojana" ? Second Five Year PlanThird Five Year PlanFourth Five Year PlanFifth Five Year Plan Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Which is major rubber producing state in India ? West BengalGujratUttar PradeshKerala Answer: Option D 2. Who was the father of Operation Flood ? Dr. Norman BorlaugDr. M.S. SwaminathanDr. Verghese KurienDr. William Gande Answer: Option CExplanation:The "Operation flood" was the largest integrated dairy development programme of the world. It was started by National dairy development board in 1970. 3. In the state of India, the State Financial Corporation have given assistance mainly to develop Irrigation projectssmall-scale industriesmedium-scale industriesmedium and small-scale industries Answer: Option D 4. Exise duty is imposed on Sale of an itemProduction of an itemConsumption of an itemAll of above Answer: Option BExplanation:Exise duty is imposed on Production of an item so it is a commodity tax. 5. Green Revolution started in 1964-651965-661966-671967-68 Answer: Option C Read more from - Indian Economy Questions Answers