Question Detail Which among following is types of excel data types ? Numbers, Formulas, LabelsData, Words, NumbersWords, Number, LabelsEquations, Data, Numbers Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. Which function will you use to enter current time in a woksheet cell ? =time()=nowtime()=now()=currentTime() Answer: Option C 2. When you press Ctrl + X after selecting some cells in Excel, what will happen then The cell content of selected cells disappear from cell and stored in clipboardThe selected cells are deleted and cells are shifted upThe selected cells are deleted and the cells are shifted leftThe cells selected are marked for cutting Answer: Option D 3. Which function in excel counts the numbers of characters in a cell ? LENGHTLGTLTLEN Answer: Option D 4. With which of the following all formulas in excel starts ? /*$= Answer: Option D 5. To open an existing workbook, click the Open button on the ___ toolbar ? FormStandardDrawingFormatting Answer: Option B Read more from - MS Excel Questions Answers