Question Detail Which among following is types of excel data types ? Numbers, Formulas, LabelsData, Words, NumbersWords, Number, LabelsEquations, Data, Numbers Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. Which of the following keyboard shortcut can be used for creating a chart from the selected cells ? F11F10F4F2 Answer: Option A 2. You will use which feature in excel, if you want to work with one record at a time ? Auto CompleteAuto FilterSub TotalsData Form Answer: Option D 3. A value used in a formula that does not change is called a ? ConstantCell addressVaraibleStatic Answer: Option A 4. Which function in excel counts the numbers of characters in a cell ? LENGHTLGTLTLEN Answer: Option D 5. Which of the following is not a valid Zoom percentage in Excel ? 10100300500 Answer: Option D Read more from - MS Excel Questions Answers