Question Detail Which among following is not a biotic component ? ConsumerProducerComposersDecomposers Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Beri-Beri is caused by the lack of vitamin ? Vitamin B2Vitamin AVitamin CVitamin B1 Answer: Option D 2. The poison of honey bee is ? AcidicSaltishAlkalineProtein Answer: Option A 3. Which part of the human body coordinates the functions of various organs ? KidneysBrainLiverHeart Answer: Option B 4. Branch of science which used in test of breast cancer ? MycologyMammographyMicrobiologyMorphology Answer: Option BExplanation:Mycology - is study of fungi. Microbiology - is study of micro organisms like virus, bacteria etc. Morphology - is study of external structures. 5. Pyorrhoea is a disease of the nosegumsheartlungs Answer: Option B Read more from - Biology Questions Answers