Question Detail Where Buddha delivered his first sermon ? KhusinagarPalitanaMithilaSarnath Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Genghis Khan founded the Mongol EmpireMohul EmpireLodi dynastyMughal Empire Answer: Option A 2. The Shisunaga Dynasty was overthrown by ? BimisaraAjatashatruMahapadmaChandragupta Maurya Answer: Option CExplanation:Mahapadma was also known as "Ugrasena" means Owner of huge army. 3. Which is the oldest text in the world ? Yajur VedaAtharva VedaRig VedaSama Veda Answer: Option CExplanation:Rig Veda is the oldest text in the world so it is also known as the first testament of mankind. 4. In which year Nadir Shah felt India ? 1939194019411942 Answer: Option A 5. Gautama Buddha renounced home at the age of ? 26272829 Answer: Option D Read more from - Indian History Questions Answers