Question Detail When did IBM released the first version of its disk operating system DOS version 1.0 ? 1981198219831984 Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. Which is not a function of Kernel ? Process managementMemory managementFile system managementInterrupt handlingAll of Above Answer: Option E 2. What are global locks ? they synchronize access to local resourcesthey synchronize access to global resourcesthey synchronize access to local and global resourcesnone of above Answer: Option B 3. File record length Should be chosen to match the data characteristicsshould be fixedshould be variablevary system to system Answer: Option A 4. Which of following is not an advantage of multiprogramming ? increased throughputshorter response timeability to assign priorities of jobsdecreased system overload Answer: Option D 5. What is a page fault ? is an spelling error in a page in memoryis a reference to a page which is in another programis an access to a page not currently in memoryalways occurs whenever a page is accessed Answer: Option C Read more from - Operating System Questions Answers - Set 2