Question Detail What Mnemonic represents ? StringsPhysical AddressOperation AddressOperation codes Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Which technique helps processor to run a program concurrently with input output operations ? IOPDMAInterrupt driven I/ODCA Answer: Option C 2. The unit which decodes and translates each instruction and generates the necessary enable signals for ALU and other units is called ALUControl UnitCPULogical Unit Answer: Option B 3. Which operation with floating point numbers are more complicated then arithmetic operation with fixed point number ? Logical operationArithmetic operationBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B 4. Intercrosses arbitration system for multiprocessor shares a __ ? Control BusDomain BusPrimary BusCommon Bus Answer: Option D 5. Which among following is Volatile ? ROMEPROMDROMRAM Answer: Option D Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers