Question Detail What is wild pointer in c a pointer which we need to write in futurea pointer which has bad naming conventiona pointer which has no limita point which has not initialized Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Wild pointer in C if pointer is pointing to a memory location from where variable has been deletedif pointer has not been initializedif pointer has not defined properlyif pointer pointing to more than one variable Answer: Option B 2. printf() belongs to which library of c stdlib.hstdio.hstdout.hstdoutput.h Answer: Option B 3. Can getch() be used to echo the input YesNo Answer: Option B 4. Disadvantage of array in C is We can easily access each elementIt is necessary to declare too many variablesIt can store only one similar type of dataNone of above Answer: Option C 5. Which is invalid name of identifier worldaddition23test_namefactorial Answer: Option C Read more from - C Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1