Question Detail What is used to make computer chips ? CopperSteelSiliconIron Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer ? DecimalBinaryHexaDecimalOctal Answer: Option BExplanation:Data in computer is always stored and send in binary form, Binary form means all data is in the form of 1's and 0's. 2. Random Access Memory (RAM) is non volatile in nature. TRUEFALSE Answer: Option BExplanation:Random Access Memory (RAM) is volatile in nature. 3. What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers ? Open Software IntrerelationOpen System IntrerelationOpen Software InterconnectionOpen System Interconnection Answer: Option D 4. Which among following is odd one ? RAMROMCacheHard Disk Answer: Option DExplanation:Hard disk is secondary storage device, other are primary storage devices. 5. In banking, railways etc which computers are used ? Mini ComputersMicro ComputersMain FramesSuper Computers Answer: Option C Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 1