Question Detail What is the maximum value of deforming force upto which a material shows elastic property and above which the material loses it ? ElasticityStrainElastic LimitStress Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Marie and Pierre Curie invented RadioRadiumRadarRefrigerator Answer: Option BExplanation:Marie and Pierre Curie of France invented Radium in 1898, Radio was invented by G. Marconi of England in 1901, Radar was invented by Dr. A.H. Taylor and L.C. Young of USA in 1922, Refrigerator was invented by J. Harrison and A. Catlin of Britain in 1834. 2. What is unit of Work and Energy ? Joulekilogramampheremeter Answer: Option A 3. David Hughes invented Machine GunMicrophoneMicroscopeMotorcycle Answer: Option BExplanation:David Hughes of USA invented Microphone in 1878, Machine Gun was invented by Richard Gatling of USA in 1861, Microscope was invented by Z. Jansen of Netherlands in 1590, Motorcycle was invented by Edward Butler of England in 1884. 4. Which of the following is an electromagnetic wave ? Cathode raysSound waveUltrasonic waveInfra red rays Answer: Option D 5. Which instrument is used to measure altitudes in aircraft's ? AudiometerAmmeterAltimeterAnemometer Answer: Option CExplanation:Ammeter - Measures strength of electric current. Audiometer - Measures intensity of sound. Anemometer - Measures force and velocity of wind and directions. Read more from - Physics Questions Answers