Question Detail What is motherboard ? Scanner and other things are part of motherboardKeyboard otherwise known as motherboardA circuit board which connects all the elementsIt is a type of file server Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Which among following is considered a volatile memory ? ROMRAMHard DiskCD-ROM Answer: Option B 2. BIND full form is ? Berkely Internet Name DomainBinary Internet DomainBonafied Internet Name DomainNone of above Answer: Option A 3. What is motherboard ? Scanner and other things are part of motherboardKeyboard otherwise known as motherboardA circuit board which connects all the elementsIt is a type of file server Answer: Option C 4. Which is not a network topology ? BusRingCarStar Answer: Option C 5. Binary number system consists of ? 0's and 1's onlyAll alphanumeric charactersDepends computer to computerNone of above Answer: Option A Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 2