Question Detail What is meaning of PCB ? Process control blockPreempitive control blockProcess close blockProcess carrying block Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. __ is a single control line that informs destination unit that a valid is available on the bus ? PingTokenHandshakeStrobe Answer: Option D 2. An instruction code must specify the address of the ? OperandOpecodeBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option A 3. User programs interact with I/O devices through ? Operating SystemHardwareBusesProcessor Answer: Option A 4. If CPU and I/O interface share a common bus than transfer of data between two units is known as ? AsynchronousClock dependentSynchronousDecoder independent Answer: Option C 5. I/O processor has direct access to ? Main MemorySecondary MemoryFlash MemoryROM Answer: Option A Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers