Question Detail What is inheritance Inheritance allows one class to reuse the state and behavior of another class.It deals with dangling pointersIt deals with void pointersIt is type of class declaration Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. ios::ate is used for Set the initial position at the start of the file Set the last position at the end of the fileSet the initial position at the end of the fileSet the last position at the start of the file Answer: Option C 2. What is getline() in c++ getline() extract the delimeter newline character from the input streamgetline() does not extract the delimeter newline character from the input streamNone of above Answer: Option A 3. All members of class have which access to its members privatepublicprotecteddepends Answer: Option A 4. Which is not C++ storage class autoregisterstaticiostream Answer: Option DExplanation:Storage classes are: auto register static extern 5. How to define a destructor X~() {}X() {}~X() ~{}~X() {} Answer: Option D Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1