Question Detail We have been working off and on for several days to complete this project. constantlyon and off regularlyon or offno error Answer: Option B Ad Similar Questions : 1. The need of the hour was some fast action on the part of the leaders. neededneedingneedsNo correction required Answer: Option DExplanation:(Asked in Income Tax Exam) 2. He said that where politics fails, economics may sometime succeed. sometimes succeedsmay sometime succeedssometimes succeedmay sometimes succeedsNo correction Answer: Option A 3. He has been caught in a rat race. for rat racerat racethe cat raceNo correction Answer: Option C 4. If your sister yet at the sports complex. sister till atsister continue atsister still atno correction Answer: Option B 5. I would like that you finish the race on time. you finish the race at finished the race on finish the race by time.No correction. Answer: Option B Read more from - Sentence Correction