Question Detail We decided to quickly leave the house. quickly to leave the housequickly leave houseleave quickly the houseleave the house quicklyno error Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. If I had time I will call you. I haveI hasI would haveI would have had Answer: Option C 2. He sent a word to me that he would be coming late. sent wordsent few wordssent wordssents a word Answer: Option A 3. He entered into the old lady's room very quietly. entered inentered insideenteredNo improvement Answer: Option C 4. Leader said, that he is committed to give a job to all the unemployed. to the unemployedto each of the unemployedany of the unemployedevery unemployed Answer: Option B 5. Would you please tell her when the next bus comes. when does the next bus comewhen comes the next buswhen the next bus does comeNo correction Answer: Option A Read more from - Sentence Correction