Question Detail We can cancel marquee by pressing ? Ctrl + EscAlt + EscShift + EscEsc Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. How can we set Page Border in Excel ? From Edit menuFrom HomeYou can not set page border in Excel From Tools menu Answer: Option C 2. When you use multiplication, division or exponentiation in a formula then there is chance of occurring rounding errors. TrueFalse Answer: Option A 3. To open an existing workbook, click the Open button on the ___ toolbar ? FormStandardDrawingFormatting Answer: Option B 4. If you press ___, the cell accepts your typing as its contents ? TabCtrl+EnterEnterAlt+Enter Answer: Option C 5. Which dialogue box we can use to name a constant ? Create NameDefine NameGet NameCreate Constant Answer: Option B Read more from - MS Excel Questions Answers