Question Detail What happens to all those travellers was not known? What happened to allWhat is happens to allWhat happened allNo correction Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. Let's buy a new sari with the annual bonus,can we? can't wedon't weshall weNo improvement Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in IES Exam) 2. We have no right to take a claim to the sun. to stake a claimto make a claimto demand a claimNo correction Answer: Option A 3. All of her answers were correct. Her every answersAll her answersHer all answersNo correction Answer: Option B 4. All woman doctors are on leave today. women doctorwomans doctorswomen doctorsNo correction Answer: Option C 5. Sahil, who studies history at present, hopes to go banglore after PhD. is studyingwill studystudiedNo correction Answer: Option A Read more from - Sentence Correction