Question Detail To keep track of different editions of a document which feature we will use ? editionsversionstrackstraces Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. Ctrl + H is short cut for ? Open Insert Dialog box activating Insert Hyper Link TabOpen Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Go to TabOpen Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Find TabOpen Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Replace Tab Answer: Option D 2. What can be searched by find ? formatcharacterssymbolAll of above Answer: Option D 3. Ctrl + G is shortcut for ? Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto TabOpen Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Find TabOpen Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Replace TabOpen Goto Dialog box Answer: Option A 4. Background color on a document is not visible in ? Web layout viewPrint PreviewReading ViewPrint Layout view Answer: Option B 5. To spell check which function key you will press ? F5F6F7F8 Answer: Option C Read more from - MS Office Questions Answers