Question Detail Though he was a hero for me, he acted a coward. with cowardiceas cowardcowardlyas like a cowardno error Answer: Option C Ad Similar Questions : 1. I gave my niece a children's very colourfully illustrated encyclopaedia. a very colourfully illustrated children's encyclopaedia a child's very colourfully illustrated encyclopaediaan illustrated child's very colourful encyclopediaNo improvement Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in CDS Exam) 2. More than one person were killed there. wasarehave beenNo correction Answer: Option A 3. Try to be diplomatic when you refuse any invitation , so far not to cause bad feelings. as far notso as notif as far notsince then not Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam) 4. Why did you not spokento me earlier? did you not spokeyou did not speakdid you not speakwere you not spokenNo improvement Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in BSRB Exam) 5. At last he realised what was truth. what the truth wasthe truth waswhat was the truthNo correction Answer: Option A Read more from - Sentence Correction