Question Detail Thief killed him. He was kill by the thief.He killed by the thief.He was killed by the thief.He was killed. Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Rahul made her laugh. She had made to laugh by Rahul.She was made for laugh by Rahul.She was made to laugh by Rahul.She was made laugh by Rahul. Answer: Option CExplanation:Note : Please note "made to laugh" 2. He found the student guilty. The student was found to be guilty by him.The student was found guilty by him.The student was found to guilty by him.The student found to be guilty by him. Answer: Option A 3. Why does he beat his brother ? Why he beaten his brother ?Why his brother beaten by him ?Why is his brother beat by him ?Why is his brother beaten by him ? Answer: Option D 4. Let us sing. It is suggested, we should sing.It is suggested to sing.It is suggested that we could sing.It is suggested that we should sing. Answer: Option D 5. We crowned him leader. He had crowned leader.He crown leader.He was crowned leader.He crowned leader. Answer: Option C Read more from - Change Of Voice Questions Answers