Question Detail They are hell bent at getting what is due to them. hell bent onhell bent ofhell bent afterhell bent upon Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Rahul is having a lot of coins. has a lot ofhas lot ofhas lots ofNo correction Answer: Option A 2. They felt that the music was sweetly. very sweetly sweetingsweetno error Answer: Option C 3. This car is belonging to me for two years. belongshas belongedhas been belongingNo correction Answer: Option B 4. None of the guests were introduced to the bride. introducedwas introducedhave been introducedNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in IES Exam) 5. Due to heavy raining the number of trucks crossing the hill last week is very small. are beingwerearewas no error Answer: Option D Read more from - Sentence Correction