Question Detail They are not playing the game. The game has not being played by them.The game is not being played by them.The game is being not played by them.The game has being not played by them. Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. Rahul has to see it or to believe it. It has to be saw or to be believe by Rahul.It has to be seen or to believe by Rahul.It has to be seen or to be believe by Rahul.It has to be seen or to be believe by Rahul. Answer: Option C 2. Don't insult the deaf man. Let the deaf man not be insult.Let the deaf man not be insulted.Let the deaf man not insulted.Let deaf man not be insulted. Answer: Option B 3. Thief killed him. He was kill by the thief.He killed by the thief.He was killed by the thief.He was killed. Answer: Option C 4. We must have obeyed our teachers. Our teachers might have obeyed.Our teachers might have been obeyed.Our teachers must have been obeyed.Our teachers must have obeyed. Answer: Option CExplanation:If we have "Subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + have + third verb + object" then we change it to Passive subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + have been + third form + by + passive object. Modal Auxiliary verb are : can, could, shall, will, may, might, should, would, must, ought to etc. 5. Shivu is singing a song. A song has been being sung by Shivu.A song is sung by Shivu.A song has being sung by Shivu.A song is being sung by Shivu. Answer: Option D Read more from - Change Of Voice Questions Answers