Question Detail The police caught the culprit. The culprit were caught be the police.The culprit was caught be the police.The culprit caught be the police.The culprit had caught be the police. Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. We must have obeyed our teachers. Our teachers might have obeyed.Our teachers might have been obeyed.Our teachers must have been obeyed.Our teachers must have obeyed. Answer: Option CExplanation:If we have "Subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + have + third verb + object" then we change it to Passive subject + Modal Auxiliary verb + have been + third form + by + passive object. Modal Auxiliary verb are : can, could, shall, will, may, might, should, would, must, ought to etc. 2. Turn her out. Let her be turned in.Let his be turned out.Let her be turned out.Let her turned out.Let her be turn out. Answer: Option C 3. After driving Professor Jones to the museum she dropped him at his hotel. After she was driven Professor Jones to the museum she had dropped him at his hotel.After she had driven Professor Jones to the museum she had dropped him at his hotel.Professor Jones was being driven dropped at his hotel.After being driven to the museum, Professor Jones was dropped at his hotel. Answer: Option D 4. Let us play. It is suggested that we could play.It is suggested that we should play.It is suggested to play.No change Answer: Option BExplanation:When we use "us" after "Let", it means it is a suggestion. So it is converted as this example. 5. It is time to do our business. It is time for our business to be done.It is time to our business to be done.It is time our business to be done.It is time for our business be done. Answer: Option AExplanation:Note: Please note the use of "for" Read more from - Change Of Voice Questions Answers