The plan to transfer of power to the Indians and partition of the country was laid down in the ?
Cabinet Mission Plan
Simon Commision
Cripps Mission
The Mountbatten Plan
Answer: Option D
Similar Questions :
1. Which Act is associated with "Courts can interpret the rules and regulations." ?
Regulating Act of 1773
Pitts India Act of 1784
Charter Act of 1793
Charter Act of 1893
Answer: Option C
2. Setting a supreme court was Calcutta is a part of ?
Regulating Act of 1773
Pitts India Act of 1784
Charter Act of 1793
Charter Act of 1893
Answer: Option A
"Regulating Act of 1773" :
Governance of East India Company was put under British parliamentary control.
Setting a supreme court in Calcutta.
The Governor of Bengal was nominated as Governor General for Calcutta, Bombay and Madras.
3. President of the Head of Union Executive.
Answer: Option A
4. Which Act divided legislative powers between the Centre and Provinces ?
Government of India Act, 1935
Government of India Act, 1919
Government of India Act, 1892
Government of India Act, 1861
Answer: Option A
5. When Right to Information Act came into force in India ?