Question Detail The nuclear particles which are assumed to hold the nucleons together are ? positronsneutrons electronsmesons Answer: Option D Ad Similar Questions : 1. What is the hardest form of carbon ? cokegraphitecharcoaldiamond Answer: Option D 2. The acid generally stored in batteries is Nitric AcidHydrochloric AcidSulphuric AcidAcetic Acid Answer: Option C 3. The ejection of electrons when a metal surface is irradiated is known as Black body radiationPhotoelectric effectZeeman effectAtomic spectrum Answer: Option B 4. Which one of the following is the softest? sodiumironaluminiumlithium Answer: Option A 5. A catalyst is a substance which increases the activation energyincreases the rate of reaction and increases the equilibrium concentration of productschanges the equilibrium of a reaction so that the concentration of the product increaseshastens the attainment of equilibrium Answer: Option D Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers