Question Detail The most abundant element in the earth's crust is ? AluminiumNitrogenSiliconOxygen Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. What is extracted from Bauxite ? MicaAluminiumCopperTin Answer: Option B 2. The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for polyvinyl chloridepolyvinyl carbobatephosphor vanadiu chloridephosphavinyl chloride Answer: Option A 3. The metallurgical process in which a metal is obtained in a fused state is called ? roastingcalcinations smelting froth floatation Answer: Option C 4. Brass is an alloy of ? Copper and TinCopper and ZincCopper and AluminiumIron and Copper Answer: Option B 5. Washing soda is ? sodium sulphitesodium bicarbonatesodiun carbonatesodium biosulphite Answer: Option C Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers