Question Detail The matter must be considered in every point of view. withfromatNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in UDC Exam) Ad Similar Questions : 1. Had I realised how close I was to the edge of the valley, I would not have carried the bags there. had I been realisedif I would have realisedwhen I realisedhad I had realisedNo correction required Answer: Option EExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam, Hyderabad) 2. Hardly does the sun rise when the stars disappeared. have the sun rosehad the sun risendid the sun rosethe sun roseNo correction required Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in BSRB Exam, Patna) 3. Because of his mastery in his field,his suggestions are wide accepted. are widely acceptedare side accentancehave widely acceptedhave been wide acceptedNo correction required Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam) 4. Never has the inadequacy of police been in clearer focus than in the communal violence that flared up recently. higherstrongerbettersharperno error Answer: Option DExplanation:(Asked in Translators Exam.) 5. Why did you not spokento me earlier? did you not spokeyou did not speakdid you not speakwere you not spokenNo improvement Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in BSRB Exam) Read more from - Sentence Correction