Question Detail The Christian Missionaries were allowed to spread their religion in India, under the Act ? Pitts India Act of 1784Charter Act of 1813Charter Act of 1833Charter Act of 1853 Answer: Option B Ad Similar Questions : 1. Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India ? Sukumar SenK.V.K. SundaramS.P. Sen VermaT.N. Seshan Answer: Option AExplanation:Sukumar Sen was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India from 21 March, 1950 - 19 Dec, 1958. 2. In which Constitutional Amendment Act Sikkim was made full fledged State of the Union of India ? 21st Constitutional Amendment Act31st Constitutional Amendment Act, 197335th Constitutional Amendment Act, 197436th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1975 Answer: Option DExplanation:By 36th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1975 Sikkim was made full fledged State of the Union of India. 3. Which Act is associated with "Courts can interpret the rules and regulations." ? Regulating Act of 1773Pitts India Act of 1784Charter Act of 1793Charter Act of 1893 Answer: Option C 4. Which Act was passed to consolidate the provisions of the preceding Government of India Acts ? Government of India Act, 1858Government of India Act, 1861Government of India Act, 1892Government of India Act, 1915 Answer: Option D 5. The term of Comptroller and Auditor-General is of ? 4 Years5 years6 YearsNot fixed Answer: Option C Read more from - Indian Polity and Constitution