Question Detail The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in hand and total assets. This is called ? Statutory Liquid RatioCash Reserve RatioLiquid RatioStatutory Ratio Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. What is the mainstay of Indian economy ? ManufacturingBusinessPublic sectorAgriculture Answer: Option D 2. International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established on : 25 September, 194427 December, 194425 September, 194527 December, 1945 Answer: Option D 3. The increase in oil seeds production was due to ? White revolutionYellow revolutionGreen revolutionBrown revolution Answer: Option B 4. Who have written the book "Capital and Growth" ? A. R. RodonHicksAdam SmithMarshall Answer: Option B 5. The concept of Economic Planning in India is derived from ? USAUKAustraliaRussia Answer: Option D Read more from - Indian Economy Questions Answers