Question Detail The aqueous solution of which acids is called Vinegar ? Acetic acidHydrochloric acidCitric acidOxalic acid Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. The Chemical Symbol of Sodium is SoSdNaNu Answer: Option C 2. Natural rubber is a polymer derived from ? ethylenepropyleneisoprenebutadiene Answer: Option C 3. Bleaching action of chlorine is by decompositionhydrolysisreductionoxidation Answer: Option A 4. Permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of ? Magnesium bicarbonateCalcium bicarbonateSodium bicarbonateCalcium sulphate Answer: Option D 5. Water drops are spherical because of ? viscositydensitypolaritysurface tension Answer: Option D Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers