Question Detail The antonym of constructor is ? CreatorDistinctDestroyerDestructor Answer: Option D Ad Similar Questions : 1. The function used to define the task assigned to an operator is ? Virtual functionStatic functionOperator functionFriend function Answer: Option C 2. What is default visibility mode for members of classes in C++ ? PrivatePublic ProtectedDepends Answer: Option A 3. Enumerators are stored by the compiler in ? stringintegerfloatany of above Answer: Option B 4. The private data members of a class are accessible ? Directly to objects of that classTo any function defined outside a classOnly to the member functionsOnly using keyword static Answer: Option C 5. A virtual base class ? is qualified as virtual in base class not qualified as virtual in base class definition.allows to inherit more than one copy of the base class members.strict the path of inheritance. Answer: Option A Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Set 2