Question Detail The acid generally stored in batteries is Nitric AcidHydrochloric AcidSulphuric AcidAcetic Acid Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Why is phosphorus kept under water ? to make it wetto make it durablewater forms a protective coating on itto save it from catching fire when exposed to dry air Answer: Option D 2. The substance that contains the maximum amount of nitrogen is ? Ammonium SulphateUreaAmmonium NitrateAmmonium Chloride Answer: Option B 3. The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for polyvinyl chloridepolyvinyl carbobatephosphor vanadiu chloridephosphavinyl chloride Answer: Option A 4. Nail polish remover contains ? benzeneacetic acidacetonepetroleum ether Answer: Option C 5. The luster of a metal is due to : high polishinghigh densitychemical inertnesspresence of free electrons Answer: Option D Read more from - Chemistry Questions Answers