Question Detail Tens of people were killed by this mishappening. fromofin No correction Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Due to rain, cricket ground was covered by a carpet. covered alongcovered intocovered withcovered upon Answer: Option C 2. Sushmita agreed to go to Chandigarh and remain there for two months. to going toto goingon going togo tono error Answer: Option C 3. It is enough fatal to a animal as to a human being. too fatalas fatalso fatalfatal Answer: Option B 4. He entered into the old lady's room very quietly. entered inentered insideenteredNo improvement Answer: Option C 5. I am not in the good books of my teachers. in the better bookin the good bookin the best bookinto the good booksno error Answer: Option A Read more from - Sentence Correction