Question Detail Synonym of Incite soothearouse or stir updampenprohibit Answer: Option BExplanation:Incite meaning in hindi- उत्तेजित करना Similar Questions : 1. Synonym of VOUCH DisqualifyReliableRovingEndorse Answer: Option DExplanation:VOUCH meaning in Hindi : प्रमाणित करना 2. Synonym of Festal sadsolemnmerryapathetic Answer: Option CExplanation:Festal meaning in hindi is उत्सव 3. Synonym of Bigamy ambiguityhaving two wivws or husbands livingbiblical referencefruit of athorny shrub Answer: Option BExplanation:Bigamy meaning in hindi is द्विविवाह का प्रथा 4. Synonym of Amoral uninvolvedimmoralinnocentcontrolled Answer: Option AExplanation:Amoral meaning in hindi- नीतिहीन 5. Synonym of LAMENT RegretCompassionAmuseEnliven Answer: Option AExplanation:LAMENT meaning in Hindi : शोक प्रकट करना Read more from - Synonyms Questions Answers